Information provided by the National Cybersecurity Alliance

data privacy week - girl is sitting in chair working on laptop


You generate lots of data every time you access the internet, and sometimes, when you don’t – your home address, health records, and Social Security are all pieces of data. While you cannot control the fact that your data is collected when using digital apps and services, you can take charge of how and with whom you share data with in many cases.


Your data is valuable

Your data is worth a lot of money to many different people, businesses and organizations. Companies collect data for various reasons, for example to better understand their customers in order to enhance the customer experience or to better understand online behavior and preferences to target ads and boost sales. Cybercriminals use your data to steal your identity and gain access to your financial accounts. It's important to be aware of who we share our data with and what they plan to do with it. 


How to take charge of your data

1. Know what you can’t control

The truth is, you can’t control who has access to every scrap and byte of your data. The IRS, for example, will find out how much money you make. And many online services require some of your data to function – a maps app cannot suggest directions if it doesn’t know where you are located (at least while you are using it). An image-sharing site needs access to your photos. Understand that there is a tradeoff between convenience and privacy. To use all the features of your devices, apps, and software, you will often have to share more and more data. By understanding this balance, you can make better informed data decisions


2. Cultivate an online privacy habit

Apps, websites, devices, and software will often seek out more data than you would think is necessary — why does a Solitaire app need to know your location? Why does a social media app need to know the phone numbers of everyone you know? Here is where you can really take charge of your data. Fortunately, many web browsers, computers, and devices will ask you if you want to share certain types of data with a new app or website. Strike up a habit of paying attention to these requests and actually thinking about your answers. Here are common types of data you might be asked for:

  • Your location
  • Your contacts
  • Your photos and camera
  • Data about your behavior and use of a service

At this point, think about what you want to share. On mobile devices, you can often decide if you want an app to only have access to this data while using it. If an app or software program refuses to function unless you share certain data that you don’t think it needs (like the Solitaire app demanding your location), find another app. Generally, you might feel more secure erring on always limiting how much data you share when asked.

3. Check your settings

Even if an app or software program never asks you for data, you should assume it is still collecting it. Routinely (every month or so) check your privacy settings and ensure everything fits within your comfort level.

You can access app and software permissions through your device’s general settings. Remember, apps will often ask for you to give them access permissions at all times, but you usually only need to give them permissions for while you are using the app. Here are some default settings you should usually turn off, unless you need it for the app to function and you trust the app.

  • Camera — off
  • Microphone — off
  • Location — off
  • Sync contacts — off
4. Delete apps you don’t use

Every 3 months or so, go through your devices and think about each app you have downloaded — we call this an “app audit.”

You might think that the real estate on your phone is pretty limitless, but an app audit isn’t just about decluttering. Many apps will collect and share your device-use data even when you don’t use them; you’re basically giving away your data, and you don’t even like the app! Why should that food delivery app you used once a year ago get access to all your precious data?

If you haven’t used the app in months, delete it from your device. Don’t be afraid to be ruthless, you can always download the app again!


You have a say in your data privacy 

Learn more about how you can control what data you share with these articles provided by the National Cybersecurity Alliance.





Information in this article is provided by the National Cybersecurity Alliance, and is intended for information purposes only. The information provided does not constitute professional or legal advice.