It's time to start collecting your old paperwork and documents to safely dispose of during Security Bank's annual Community Shred Day, taking place Saturday, May 18 from 9:00 a.m. to Noon in our front parking lot. 

Community Shred Day offers free professional document shredding for business and personal needs. This event is open to the public. Now is a good time to clear the clutter in your home or office, and to protect your identity and business by safely disposing of old financial documents and paperwork with personal information. 

“It’s important to not toss personal identifiable mail and documents in the trash, as thieves can use this information to steal your identity, the identity of an employee and more,” said Lynette Lyons, Security Bank SBA loan officer and Shred Day coordinator.

Simply stop by the bank and bank staff will be ready to help toss your old paperwork into the on-site shredder. 

Not sure what items to shred? We have made a list below of common items you should and should never shred. Check it out.

It's also important to understand what cannot go into the shredding machine. Remove these items before coming to the bank for faster drop-off service. 


Remove these items from your shred pile:

  • Binders and hardcovers

  • Metal anything

  • Electronic media or electrical waste

  • Trash

  • Plastic or other recyclables (we can toss recyclables - no glass - in our recycle bin, but separate it from your shredding items)

  • Cardboard (we can toss this in our recycle bin, but separate it from your shredding items)

  • Wet, burnt or otherwise contaminated paper

  • Batteries


Shred these items:

  • Paid utility, credit card and medical bills

  • Employee records

  • Old pay stubs, bank statements, investment documents 

  • Items with personal identifiable information (old credit reports/histories and IDs)

  • Expired permanent records (passports, driver’s licenses, insurance policies)

  • Canceled and voided checks, including checks deposited through mobile deposit

  • Tax forms and tax-related documents older than 10 years

  • Items with a signature (old leases, contracts, letters)

  • Prescription labels



Never Shred:

  • Permanent records

  • Birth certificates, adoption papers, social security cards

  • Marriage or divorce decrees

  • Auto and home deeds

Be sure to keep your permanent records safely locked in a file cabinet or in a bank safe deposit box.


Not sure when to shred your documents?

Check out To Shred or Not to Shred: Tips for Safely Disposing of Personal Documents. This article offers a general guide for how long to keep records and when it is safe to purge old documents.

For more information about Shred Day, call us at 918.664.6100 or email